Monday, July 18, 2011

Receiving Grace

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10 NIV

My youngest sister called me not long ago. She was under a lot of stress and asked if she could visit for a week. I was on bedrest, weak from illness, and believed she needed something from me that I didn’t have to give. I was up for a limited amount of time each day and I really wanted to concentrate my time on my own desires.

Was I being selfish? Did I not appreciate my sister’s need to be with me. Though, I was unable to do the simplest of tasks for myself I could love her. I recalled how I visited her during her yearlong fight with breast cancer. I couldn’t fix her problem, but I could cheer her on as she reached for the prize—healing.

I decided to have her come. Each day she was here she sat by my bedside and we talked about our families, our illnesses, our joys, and our blessings in Christ. She even gave me a manicure and a pedicure.

As we talked, I confessed how I had struggled with her visit and how happy I was that she was with me. She said that for her, spending this time with me blessed her. My emotional pain and discouragement began to melt away as my sister gracefully shared Christ’s love and brought comfort to me.

Are you denying your friends and family members opportunities to serve you?

In Christ Alone,

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post Berta! Why is it so difficult for us to allow God to move in His Sovereignty and minister to us through others? Now that you are in a position to receive, isn't it marvelous how he moved on your sister's heart to visit. I thank God for my sister who lives a few hours away and I always enjoy her visit - but I grieve that she is not a Christian. How wonderful that you two share that special bond. Thanks for sharing :)
